Thursday, October 10, 2019


I've gathered moonlight
I found
the secret

you see

i coaxed it

from being


at the head of time's arrow

like rutherford's pudding
stirred, bright and assuring

and it told me these things

(i cant tell you how, but it did...):

"place your palm right here,
feel the comfort
and pillowy
into dreamful residence"

the brahmin's arrow points inward
loving unto fullness

and here i'll place my head upon my hands,
chin weighted ever so
and watch,
and ponder...

and watch

and ponder

those gilded estuarial escapes...


Life expands and collapses before me,
Stretches and waxes and wanes
     like graceful, eliding notes
Held fast
     but loose
Like an accordion,
    hung about the neck,
A twirled mustache
  And fingers sped off into mystery
And oblong gestures,
   And faint memories
accordion creases

And Sleep
   Dangles Dreams
Along hearths

as I recall
  the moments
that led up to this one...

Like a smile,
   Drawn to slow completion,
As the movie's credits roll